Legal Notice

Web Site Owner :

This site is published by INGENOVA SA with a capital of 550.000€, whose head office is in Paris (75008) 5 rue de Rome, registered in the Paris Register of Commerce and Companies under RCS B 434 012 944 – SIREN: 434012944 – Intra-Community VAT EN 84434012944

Publishing Manager: Mr. Karim SANI, Chief Executive Officer

Web Site Creation :

  • Big District
  • Adresse : 6, cité de l’ameublement
  • 75011 PARIS
  • Tél : 01 84 17 06 36
  • Mail :
  • Site :

Web Site Referencing :

Web Site Hosting :

  • Facilitech
  • 18 rue Jean Moulin
  • 77420 Champs sur Marne
  • Tel : 01 60 05 48 11

Using content :

The use of any document (texts, images, logos, graphics, icons, graphics,…) from the site is authorized only for information for private use. Any use that could be made for other purposes is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Ingenova.

Hypertext links :

The creation of hypertext links to the Ingenova site cannot, under any circumstances, incur the responsibility of Ingenova. Hypertext links to other sites from Ingenova shall not, under any circumstances, be construed to imply Ingenova’s liability.


INGENOVA SA is committed to transparency in the processing and protection of the personal data of users of this site. Changes can be made to this page if changes occur.

To which media does this policy apply ?

This policy applies to It does not apply to websites of third parties, including those that may be mentioned on this website through links.

What data do we collect ?

With your prior consent, when you use our site, we may collect and process some or all of the following data:
The data you provide by filling out forms, uploading content online, subscribing to our social media accounts or sending us messages.
Examples include:
Name, First Name,
Postal address,
Phone number,
E-mail address,

How do we use your personal data ?

Most of your personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • Allow Ingenova to process your requests and respond to your messages,
  • Process your applications and manage the recruitment process
  • Ensuring the security of our website
  • Improve the user experience on our site,
  • Understand and improve content that is of greatest interest.

Do we collect your IP address and cookies ?

We may collect your IP address and browser type for the purpose of administering our systems and/or compiling statistics and without identifying any other individual information.
In some cases, we are also likely to use cookies (small numbers and letters to identify your computer) without access to any of your personal data. If you want, you can disable this feature on your regular browser.

Retention period of personal data :

INGENOA does not retain a copy of personal data beyond the legally required period. Personal data shall be kept only for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. They will not give rise to any other exploitation of any kind.

How can you access your personal data ?

You can contact us by mail to find out about your personal information that is in our possession or by using the contact form. You can modify them at any time or ask us to delete them from our active files. We may sometimes be required to keep records of them (when required by law).

Where do we store your personal data ?

Your personal data is stored in our database and in the database of our e-mailing software, safely.

Do not hesitate to inform us of any violation of your privacy due to your visit to We will answer you as soon as possible.